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AmpliTest PRRSV (Real Time PCR)

A kit for detecting RNA sequences specific for the PRRS virus (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus) using the Real Time PCR technique.

PRRS is an RNA virus belonging to the Arteriviridae family, characterized by very high genetic variability. So far, nearly three hundred different genetic variations of the PRRS virus have been described, which are classified into two main genotypes. Type 1 (the so-called European genotype, EU) dominates in Europe, while Type 2 (the so-called North American, NA) dominates in the Americas and Asia. The PRRS virus is the cause of a disease known asporcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS). Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome). The name of the disease comes from its main clinical manifestations. In sows, PRRS syndrome leads to reduced mating efficiency, frequent miscarriages in the final stages of pregnancy, premature births, stillbirth or weakened piglets. In piglets and weaners, PRRSV infection causes respiratory disorders. PRRS syndrome is a highly infectious disease that causes large economic losses among pig farmers. Similar clinical symptoms may be the result of infection with other viral pathogens (e.g. swine flu, Aujeszky†™disease, classical swine fever) or bacterial pathogens (Chlamydia orMycoplasma), therefore proper laboratory diagnosis for PRRSV is extremely important. 

The AmpliTest PRRSV (Real Time PCR) kit is a one-step kit. This means that the reverse transcription reaction and Real Time PCR take place in one tube. This reduces the amount of manipulation required to perform the analysis and thus the possibility of possible contamination. The AmpliTest PRRSV (Real Time PCR) kit enables the detection of both PRRS genotypes. The Real Time PCR reaction is a duplex reaction. Virus RNA detection takes place in the FAM channel. The second channel (HEX) is used for internal control detection. The included controls in the form of RNA molecules obtained by in vitro synthesis enable the control of the correct course of both reverse transcription and Real Time PCR reactions. 

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